lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Pollution in the cities


Pollution in the cities

In the cities normally there are pollution, a lot of pollution and it comes for different causes:

Ø The people usually go by bus, car, taxi and a lot of transports with fuel. This is a big problem because the fuel is bad and the bikes or walk is good for the Earth.

Ø There are some people who don´t recycle and the trash in the floor is bad for the environment.

Ø The factories produce a lot of smoke and this smoke goes to the air all of this smoke stay in the air and we breathe it.


Ø  Explain to the people the benefits of the natural air and how the pollution affects to our body

Ø Recycle more, because with the plastic of an old bottle we can create a new bottle or a plastic toy.

Ø In the chimneys of the factories put water because the water will "clean" the dirty smoke and it will be better to the air.



Ø We want to say to the people that a world without pollution is better than a world with pollution. To animate to the people to recycle, to travel by bike or walking, and to finish, make other campaigns to explain to other people the benefits of a clean world and the contras of a dirty world.

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